Happy new-year
It’s a case of moving up and down. A little bit of hanging around.
But I’m on the way back up again.
New Year
After getting frozen in at Nell Bridge for 2 weeks in the middle of December, I headed down to where I’d just come from, and where my last post was from, Aynho wharf.
The Great Western pub is about a 3 minute walk.
For New Year, it seemed like having considered what few options I had, a local thing would fit the bill nicely, and seeing as I could move the boat accordingly. That’s the option I took.
I visited 2 pubs on NYE, The Duke in Clifton and The Great Western Arms in Aynho wharf.
The owners have recently changed in the GWA and the place was a little empty.
Still, I had no complaints, they dished out the prosecco.
The Duke was a different affair. That was busy. By chance the Sunday was quiz-night, and in keeping with that, they had a New Year’s quiz night when I dropped in. Being a free house, I was able to work my way through the 4 guest beers they had on draught!
CAMRA award winning real local ales according to their website.
Nice 🤭
Back to Pig Place
After a couple of days, I moved the boat back up to Pig Place, grabbed the car and moved on up to where I am now (Twyford Wharf).
Rain to Snow
The weather had changed a little.
It was pouring rain. Now it’s turned to frost.
It’s not massively cold, but last night they recon it was -6.
In the morning, I had to scrape the frost off the solar panels in my PJ’s. That puts a spring in your step! The boat mostly gets cold during the night, once you’re up in the morning, things start warming up again. It’s never that cold really, as long as you manage things so it doesn’t become cold.
New Year, New Solar
As a final thing, we bought and I fitted one more solar panel a 110W Sunpower Semi flexible Monocrystalline Solar Panel to go with the other flexible panels on the boat.
To make things simple, I’ve done a little video of the new panel. You can watch the video and see how to fit one to your boat!
With any reduction in running costs, any addition is welcome.