The road to Bodrum

The road to Bodrum

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Is a heavy one. The sun was blazing. The hills were winding and continuous. The scenery was amazing, in places.

100KM from Didim to Bodrum. I requested that I could have breakfast at 8am rather than their starting time of 8.30am. Any contribution to an expided departure when you’ve got a long and hard journey is appreciated.


I’ve had this discussion on previous blogs. In the morning, you are what you put in your body. Let me suggest this… never put cheese in there.

Bad and heavy breakfast makes you want to stop all the time, wonder what you’re doing here. Avoid it.

Just had some honey, jam and Nutella with bread. A hard boiled egg and a very small sausage, (not by choice, that’s all there was). Plus some chips, almost forgot about them. Cup of coffee. No juice. I prefer juice, it’s full of sugar. Had water instead. That was it.

Off I went. 8.30am.


The hills started straight away and got more severe. This lasted until around 1pm. At which point I saw this welcome sight.

Descending from the mountains where I spent most of the morning
Descending from the mountains where I spent the morning

It kind of amazes me when I come down these hills sometimes that I actually climbed them in the first place! As you can see, the pylon on this one looks like a cable car.

Took me around 30 minutes to free wheel down reaching a speed of around 30mph.

Joining the main road

Was not optional after the mountain section. It’s a D road. Not a dual carriageway. Just like a normal trunk road.

I’ve still got the cough and cold from week 1. I’ve decided it’s some kind of COVID derivative. I’m encountering people coughing in exactly the same way as I am. When I blow my nose, blood sometimes comes out. I think this may be more to do with the pollution. It’s still strange, and not something I’ve encountered before. Still, if I’m going to die, all these other people with the same cough are going to die also!

It’s not that bad, certainly not as bad as COVID. It just makes me wonder how these cough and cold stains are becoming resistant to the bodies natural defences nowadays.

Cycling on the main road, I stop for some lunch at around 2. The time it takes waiting for and eating my meal gives my body a bit of time to relax. Catch my breath. Ingest some calories. Then carry on.

I had a mince pide, which is like a pizza from the equivalent of a Turkish little chef! It was fabulous!

I surprised myself with how fast I was able to eat it. I think the staff were surprised also, although they did not say!

Feeling slightly refreshed, I continued on my journey.

Coastal approach

The approach into Bodrum is along a coastal road.

Costal roads have undulating hills but they’re never that bad. Little bumps really.

I was catching the sun by the time I arrived, and had to apply some sun cream to my lips which were starting to burn.

In the end, I got into Bodrum about 4pm.

I was tired, but not that tired.

Here’s a picture from Didim beach, as promised.

A view of Didim promenade.
A view of Didim promenade.

2 thoughts on “The road to Bodrum

  1. Oh my, that sounds pretty strenuous. The problem with coming down mountains is the cold as you speed down. ..brrrr…..Didim Prom looks lovely though. X

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