Weedon -> Dodford

Weedon -> Dodford

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Or thereabouts…

Dodford - Grand Union
Spot Bonnie

This is my new home. It’s perhaps 800m from the car. A little way.

Flore Bypass

There is a meadow opposite and some constructions where they are building the new road connecting the A45 to the M1, bypassing Flore, which it currently runs right through…

The A45 is a noisy, busy road. They are building some new houses in Flore, so I guess it’s going to alleviate residents concerns by removing a lot of the ‘through’ traffic.

It’s very peaceful and there is a meadow opposite, meaning you get a few butterflies coming over.

Pretty uncommon in modern day Britain. I’d seen moths, but these were my first butterflies this year.

They weren’t Red Admirals or anything, Purple Hairstreak according to this website.

Here’s a picture of where I’m located now.


Dodford/Canna Mead Wharf

Is about a 12 minute walk from the village and Tesco. Dodford village itself is about 5-10 minute walk away.

Canna Mead Wharf is directly opposite.

Looks to be a family run affair. They’ve got a little crane for lifting things out of the water. Very low key.

Dodford - Grand Union
Dodford – Grand Union

Opposite the boat is a meadow.

This is a picture of a cottage on the route I currently walk down.

Rose Cottage nr. Dodford
Rose Cottage nr. Dodford


They are dredging the stretch from Weedon to Whilton. About 3 miles.

Also, I bought one of these retractable hoses.

I had to return the hose. It doesn’t work well for a boater.
This video talks about my experience said hose and also, I take a look at the local boaters commune, including suicide kit, and pontoons for the dredging work crews plus strange signs left by the boaters!

It’s quite entertaining. Take a look.

Big fish, little fish

Well, actually, just a lot of little fish.

So many, I found it remarkable. Remarkable enough to make a short video.

That’s enough videos for today.

Until next time.

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