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Day: 10 August 2004

Inverness to Fort William

Inverness to Fort William

The quickest way to get from Inverness to Fort William is by bus which costs £8 and runs hourly.

If you want to take a train, you will have to go south a least 100 miles then north again in a skewed V direction.

Have had meal in pub opposite the station. Didn’t get thrown out.

Am looking forward to Fort William. Ben Nevis will be the high point of my visit to Scotland. There is also a steam train featured on Harry Potter, the one he flies round in his hillman imp.

Inverness – Loch Ness Castle Urquart Tour

Inverness – Loch Ness Castle Urquart Tour

The sun was shining which is pretty rare in Scotland.

Taking this to be a sign of my changing luck I rolled my sleeves up.

This castle Urquart is supposed to stand above the deepest spot in the lake, Nessie’s favourite hiding spot.

Me on Ferry, Castle Urquart
I think there is a knack to seeing monsters and things in that they only appear to those not expecting to see anything, they are wise to the expectations of human kind.
Perhaps if you expect something, you will see nothing. If you expect nothing you see the monster. If you walk around expecting nothing the monster knows you don’t want to catch it and will reveal itself to you!

Truth be known, the Scots have done well to build a multimillion tourism industry out of a couple of floating logs and some historic gobbledy gook. Truly there is fuck all in this lake the Scots tell you this themselves.

Inverness – Loch Ness

Inverness – Loch Ness

Have had a brief look around Inverness cathedral and whatnot.

Inverness is the capital of the highlands and as you arrive you can see big gas storage silo chimney stacks, factory and other signs of industry which provide some of its wealth.

This is not a bad thing but it does mean Inverness is a bit like a city.
I’ve decided that I don’t want to do any more city things so have opted for tour of Loch Ness which also incorporates local history and a trip to the Loch Ness Monster museum.

Loch Ness Monster

Edinburgh – Police Cells Morning

Edinburgh – Police Cells Morning

Was pleased to find that police screws if that’s what the call them, cell attendants is probably a better name. cell attendants lay on a bit of a spread for waking prisoners, brews, rolls, hash brown and whatnots.

Prison is like life on the outside magnified and without the frilly bits.

Edinburgh – Police Cells

Edinburgh – Police Cells

A night in the cells.

Nothing like it..

They have these nice spongy crash mats in case you feel up to some gymnastics while you’re in there.

Didn’t see many practicing the gym stuff. All seemed fairly sullen. I got thrown in at about 7.30-8pm as time progressed things gradually got more busy and excited both in and outside the cell.