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Category: Costa Rica

Here are some highlights.

Here are some highlights.

AMERICA – This is what i travelled around in. It’s a mustang convertable 4.9 V6. It went like stink up to 110 then cut out.
Shame that.

TIKAL RUINS – This fuck off terantula decides it likes the look of the guides shoes and closes in for a closer look.

pele's footprint
BRAZIL – Pele’s footprint – Mighty smelly

I’ve entered a couple for the wanderlust competition in the hope I might win some free flights or a camera.

You can find the competition on their wbsite, its’ open to all, if you have some old travel photos that might win a prize.

Old Skool
One of my old skool friends won last year, not that i’ve knobbled the judges or anything.

Don’t enter my photo’s or I’ll sue you for copyright.


Tyke’s travel tips

Tyke’s travel tips

Tyke tips

Here are some travel tips for those planning a trip to south america.

1- NEVER ARRIVE AT NIGHT – chances are you’ll be making those gruelling 20 hour plus bus journeys, the last thing you want is to be wandering round a strange town with all your stuff at the dead of night.

2- YOU WILL GET ROBBED – depending on your outlook, this may be funny, mildly annoying or a personal tragedy. Keep you passport and sexually integrity intact, these things are more difficult to replace.

3- BRING A RUCKSACK NOT A SUITCASE – it may have handles, but I’m afraid that won’t cut it. Lima doesn’t have a Marriott, holiday inn, motel 8 or McDonald’s. Expect to get sand in your wheels and strange looks.
my advice buy a nice purple rucksack (like mine :)).

4- LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH – better than waving your arms around, you can make friends and get yourself out of trouble, converse in shops etc. etc.
it costs nothing.

Con Job

Con Job

Have been robbed for the third time on this holiday.

rob #1
rob #2

Robbery #3
Travelling from San Ramone to Costa Rica´s capital San Jose.

The set up
Girl comes to sit next to me from the front of the bus.
Think nothing of it.
I am a good looking bloke..

After normal girly wriggling, girl goes to sleep waking up just as the bus is approaching San Jose bus station.

The sting
Pulling into bus station in San Jose.

Bus is alighting, people are standing ready to get off.

Money is heard bouncing on the floor under seat, girl turns around looking for her dropped coin.

I allow the girl under my seat to look for it.

Two onlookers gather and gesticulate that I should move to let her find it.

I look for the coin myself, I can’t see anything, but let the girl look again, this time standing off the floor completely on my seat.

The onlookers, an old man, and a youngish man, gesticulate that I should come out of there completely.

Having had no luck myself, I let the girl go about her business grovelling on the floor..

This I do moving out into the isle and sideways into an empty seating bay.

We watch the girl look for her coins.

Old man trys to push past me, which I think is stange.

a) because he is old.
b) because there is not really anywhere to go because the girl and I make up pretty much the full breadth of the isle.

I won’t move.

He has to struggle past.

I become aware of a movement in back pocket around the wallet region, turn to see younger bloke turn away.

Missing coin issue is rapidly cleared up, girl thanks me and walks off.

The realisation
20 minutes down the road its raining, I go to catch a taxi and realise that the cash in my front pocket has been stolen.

About 20,000 collons. Just over 20 quid.

The trick

Trapping you in the isle


Getting you to watch the girl find the money


letting the old man past, getting you to turn to a different postion allowing access to more pockets.

Had I turned to face the front and let that old man past, I would now be minus a wallet rather than just 20 quid.

Very clever.

The moral

When girls come and sit next to you on a bus, it is likely she is after your money.

Baths at La Fortuna

Baths at La Fortuna

Not forgetting the baths @ La Fortuna, Baldi Baths.
Apart from Caño, this is perhaps one of the coolest things to do ala La Fortuna.

Hot Bath
Volcanically heated, the bar staff will provide free beer if you manage to stay in the hottest pool for longer than 20 seconds.

They recon its over 100 degrees, one guy said 400 (Canadian), but I managed to get a foot in there and not remove a stump.

There are another 11 pools and a series of winding pathways, lamp lit and paved to keep you wandering round.

Best pools
I thought the smelly ones round the bottom were best.

Although you might venture up to the top area where there is a better view of the volcanous mountain and the odd lava flow.

The bar
Barman didn’t know what a Mojhito was, then didn’t want to bother so I left it.