Photo diary
Here are some travel tips for those planning a trip to south america.
1- NEVER ARRIVE AT NIGHT – chances are you’ll be making those gruelling 20 hour plus bus journeys, the last thing you want is to be wandering round a strange town with all your stuff at the dead of night.
2- YOU WILL GET ROBBED – depending on your outlook, this may be funny, mildly annoying or a personal tragedy. Keep you passport and sexually integrity intact, these things are more difficult to replace.
3- BRING A RUCKSACK NOT A SUITCASE – it may have handles, but I’m afraid that won’t cut it. Lima doesn’t have a Marriott, holiday inn, motel 8 or McDonald’s. Expect to get sand in your wheels and strange looks.
my advice buy a nice purple rucksack (like mine :)).
4- LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH – better than waving your arms around, you can make friends and get yourself out of trouble, converse in shops etc. etc.
it costs nothing.
No shirt
No shoes
No problem
At Work
Found the frigate birds really off-putting, I’m sure everyone shared my sentiments.
Having been working hard on lonelyplanetexchange, updating the routes and whatnot. The blog has suffered.
Have some exciting results for the competition.
The winner is:
Stefani Whitehead
from Australia.
You have won the mystery prize, have a peek at it here fingers not included there dude.
When I need to get rid of more useless items from my rucksack, I will let you know.