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Category: Hong Kong

Guide to applying for a China Residents Visa

Guide to applying for a China Residents Visa

China Residents Visa
China Residents Visa

So. Got my residents visa through. These are the steps I had to go through in total to get a residents Visa for 365 days stay in China.

It allows me to work.

I have indefinite entry and exit (ooh, err) ?!

My steps to getting a residents Visa.

  1. Get a job offer. Whether at home or abroad, this is always your first step. Most interviews are conducted by Skype nowadays. Although it’s possible to have incoming calls from Chinese schools on your mobile phone. Always get some pictures of the school, working environment, colleages and social events. This can give you sense of what to expect and how honest they’re being.
  2. Sign a contract. An employer will always provide you with a contract. If they can’t do this, you should end your China dream here. Never turn up  on an L Visa hoping for things to be hunky dory… You’ll get screwed. Visa first, then contract.
  3. Examine and sign. Have other people look at it, hopefully people with experience of living or working in China. If there’s anything that you don’t understand, looks unfair or isn’t included bring it up with your employer.
  4. Experts Certificate and Recommendation letter: As soon as you’ve done this, your employer will start applying for your experts certificate and recommendation letter. The experts certificate can take as little as a few days depending on how well ‘connected’ your institution is.
  5. Do the test: Nowadays, all non-Chinese nationals wishing to work in the country are asked to complete a test to find out how well they will fit in and adjust to the country culturally and professionally. You’ll be sent a link to this as part of your application process. The online evaluation test can be found here. It’s not that easy for example if you have NO knowledge of China or Chinese language or culture, the written test is going to prove difficult…
  6. Get a medical done in the UK/don’t get medical done in the UK. If you want to get your Z done BEFORE you leave the country, you’ll need this document. If you intend to get your Z done AFTER entering China. DON’T GET THIS DONE… Many people prefer to enter on an L Visa, meet the employer start work and wait for the processes involved in step 4 to go through. Either way, you need to notify your employer WHERE you’ll be applying for your Z as it’s written on the EXPERTS CERTIFICATE and the INVITATION LETTER. Let them know up front if you want to wait around in your country of residence for the documentation, (can take up to 2 months), or wish to come over and have the process begin in China. Getting it done in the UK is more expensive as the China visa medical tends to be a bit expensive.
  7. Complete your documentation: Once you have your a)Medical examination certificate b) experts certificate c) invitation letter. You can get things wroking and rolling in ernest. Send the docs off along with the completed paperwork from the Chinese Visa office. This will take you about a day or two provided you’ve followed steps 1-6 correctly. If somethings wrong, your medical is not from China and you’re in Hong Kong, or the passport offices on your documentation don’t match up, it’s back to square one. It says the visa is 180gbp, but I seem to remember getting mine done for around £100 in Hong Kong.
  8. Take your Z-visa to your local government office: The Z-visa itself only lasts for 28 days. This can only be done by you and your employer in person.
  9. Pick up your residents permit: So you’ve done all the hard work. Snipped and smashed your way through all the red tape. !!! You’re finally a resident of China !!! Time to take your boss down the pub and celebrate, (if you can find one within a 40 mile radius), otherwise accept my congratulations. You are now a happy resident of China.
Hong Kong Spring Elecronics Fair

Hong Kong Spring Elecronics Fair

So noticed this going on and went to have a look.

Hong Kong Electronics fare 2013
Hong Kong Electronics fare 2013

It was located in the Wan Chai exhibition center. A seven story building looking across the bay of the Hong Kong harbor. Having had a look around, I had a word with the entrance organiser and managed to get this ‘Press’ pass, (on account of my sizable blog).

The fair was the largest in Asia, attracting thousands of exhibitors.
I spent a number of hours just walking round.

Lots to see and lots to do. Most of it was aimed at the retailer, although there were sections more for manufacturing or OEM operations. When asked, I told people I was from CNET, and was looking to check out the best new gadgets and appliances from the Hong Kong region.

This was an ideal blag and won me many Chinese friends!

Bluejoy Shenzen

Got some bluetooth headphones from a company in Shenzen. The girl, Alice showed them to me and they worked nicely and looked good. I’ve never been a fan of wires dangling all over the place and these seemed the ideal solution.

I’ll tell you how they work out and if they were worth the money.

Bluejoy Headphones China
Bluejoy Headphones China
Bluejoy Headphones China
Made in China?

z-visa checklist

z-visa checklist

These are the things you need to get your Z-visa. In this case, I’m visiting the protectorate, Hong Kong.

  • Passport: – At least 3 spare pages.
  • Experts certificate.
  • Invitation letter: – Obtained from your employer.
  • Medical examination: – Get this IN CHINA. One from anywhere else isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. Don’t let anyone tell you any different.
  • Completed v2011A – Fill in your forms!
  • Completed v2011B

Without all of these, plus your fee, you won’t be getting a work permit, or residents permit.

I usually use the Sunrise agency, and I have this time.

Tyke’s travel tips

Tyke’s travel tips

Tyke tips

Here are some travel tips for those planning a trip to south america.

1- NEVER ARRIVE AT NIGHT – chances are you’ll be making those gruelling 20 hour plus bus journeys, the last thing you want is to be wandering round a strange town with all your stuff at the dead of night.

2- YOU WILL GET ROBBED – depending on your outlook, this may be funny, mildly annoying or a personal tragedy. Keep you passport and sexually integrity intact, these things are more difficult to replace.

3- BRING A RUCKSACK NOT A SUITCASE – it may have handles, but I’m afraid that won’t cut it. Lima doesn’t have a Marriott, holiday inn, motel 8 or McDonald’s. Expect to get sand in your wheels and strange looks.
my advice buy a nice purple rucksack (like mine :)).

4- LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH – better than waving your arms around, you can make friends and get yourself out of trouble, converse in shops etc. etc.
it costs nothing.