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Day: 27 July 2006



For lunch.

This restaraunt across from the hotel NH Salzburg.

A roach
Where I found a cockroach under my pillow.

In the whole of my travels of America.
Managua, the poorest capital in latin America. I’ve never found any cockroaches in my room.

Cheap hotels Salzburg: Cheap Salzburg hotels/hostels/apartments  - Salzburg,  Austria
Castle Salzburg

Castle Salzburg

It seems Austria was run by a load of monks, then Germans, then Nazi’s now it’s run by the European Union.

How things change over time.

Salz is from the salt from roman times. This made Salzburg.
Austria was not feudal until the Hapsburg’s arrived in the 17th Century.

Mozart lived here

As you can see the castle is Baroque, in style with the rest of Austria.



After Zurich returned to Salzburg.

Met some girls on the train. They were going to Barcelona then Portugal.

One of them worked at the castle in Salzburg. It seemed to bring back fond memories for her. She told me to go to the waterpark.

Didn’t manage that here’s some pictures from what I did do.


Cheap hotels Salzburg: Cheap Salzburg hotels/hostels/apartments  - Salzburg,  Austria