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Day: 8 October 2006

Breakdown of UK criminal Justice System

Breakdown of UK criminal Justice System

Following that awful instance of the policeman throwing a sicky so he didn’t have to protect the Jewish embassy, my faith in the police’s ability to Police properly has been shaken.

Had it not been for brainstorming of much bigger fish, Who have concluded this weekend, “What we should do is release non-violent criminals to serve in the community, mow the lawns and pick up litter!”, I would barely feel safe to walk the streets .

You will be able to ring a hotline number and book as many or as few likely lads as you require.

Give them their orders, and they will then set about trimming hedges, mowing or more complex office, PC and even programming complex electronic devices duties.

Who said the government was not serious about re-cycling. This is surely a brainwave in making money out of shite. The media have become particularly good at it and hands up to the government in their sterling effort in following suit.

Hip Hip Horay for Blighty!!!