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Month: November 2016

First complaint

First complaint

I received my first complaint from one of my neighbours….

Last night, I got in late from work and had to start the engine up to give me some electricity to keep the fridge cool, charge the batteries, watch telly.

All the things that you usually do on a Saturday night and need to do out of necessity.

Problem was, the engine was on until 11:20pm.


First time it’s happened, but my lovely neighbour made a point of coming round to inform me.

What a nice man.

Winter electricity usage

Winter electricity usage

I’ve just fitted this voltmeter after I’ve found myself constantly waking up with no electricity.

Not only this, when I turn the engine on at night, to charge the battery, I’m never sure how long I should run it for to charge the battery up. I’ve been suspecting that I’m not really having a clue what or how my electricity is being used, when it’s such a valuable resource on the boat.

12V Voltmeter

You need a simple instrument to tell you this.

12v Voltmeter
12v Voltmeter

It’s an inline voltmeter, and it cost about £40 from 12vPlanet, which sells all sorts of 12v accessories for caravans, boats and mobile homes.

In the picture, the engine is turned on, and the voltage is up to about 14v, which is right at the top of the scale.

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Donald Trump – Puppet masters, Parody to victory, and the march to nationalism

Donald Trump – Puppet masters, Parody to victory, and the march to nationalism

I know I’m not the greatest fan of politics, but it seems to me, Trump with all his lying and making up ludicrous pre-election pledges, is no different to any other politician.


Trump is without the NWO, the media, (who ignored the fact that Hillary had rigged the primaries and wasn’t the democrat elect in the first place), and the political establishment.

It doesn’t make me feel uneasy.

Having the same establishment figures, groomed in the media headlights then duly elected for as long as we can remember, how is that a good thing?

I’d say this is a grand opportunity for the American people to move forward in a new and progressive direction.

Chasing the mercury

It seems the power of the electorate is moving away from corrupt, liberal PC types towards an xenophobic nationalist base.

It’s actually the electorate that’s changed. The people.

I’d suggest this is a trend that’s going to be echoed throughout Europe. Far right groups, such as Le-Pen in France, and the far right nationalists in Germany.

The UK with Brexit.

Now the largest power block in the world, the United States.

Russian and China are already there.

“We are the godmakers” – NWO

The current elected ‘god’ figure, a puppet master if you like, channels a prevailing philosophy.

They elected a new one who’s a nationalist xenophobe. Who’s not very friendly with Jews and their globalist vision, but a believer in nationhood.

A Russian perhaps…. I’m sure plenty of people are familiar with him. And his replacement, the little man with the paedophilic connections, so high up in the British establishment. Some people are familiar with him…

These two people have swapped. Now, I believe this is playing out in the wider arena through a change and the adoption and swapping around of the various thought patterns of the two puppet masters.

Population problem

I believe the NWO always said that the population was far too high. I remember actually watching this on the news. They were always planning on ways to bring the numbers down.

Actually on the national news.

Trump Is What Happens When You Nominate A Cheater and Live In An Echo Chamber—Please Learn From This

Did you read Wikileaks?

Well, you should have.

The “conspiracies” were true, and the mainstream media lied to you to about everything.

Wikileaks was not Russian propaganda, it was the news.

Wikileaks has a 10-year record of never releasing a single falsified document, and is not connected to Russia. Everything they released were the actual e-mails of Hillary Clinton and her campaign staff. You had the opportunity to look through a window into the Hillary Clinton campaign, but you didn’t.

By ignoring the leaks, you ignored reality.

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US Presidential elections 2016

US Presidential elections 2016

Trump has been buying politicians like Hilary Clinton off for as long as he’s been around.

It’s kind of the tail wagging the dog voting for Clinton over Trump. Big corporate runs America, (along with the CIA and it’s secret ops).

They now have an ex-CIA personage running.

Cover both bases, why not….

Corporate America vs Congress America

I don’t see how a US politician can beat the public face of corporatism, surely it goes against the order of things and how Stateside people see it…

Correct me if you think I’m wrong…

Fight Dirty
Fight Dirty

Anyway, I’m sure the gloves will come off, and it’ll be a dirty fight.

My money’s on Clinton.


** 9th November, 2016


Did I say CLinton?


So the old guard has fallen. And about time.

Their hate filled, backward looking, fake liberal, mawkish, underling mentality can die with them.

Taking a narrowboat on the Thames

Taking a narrowboat on the Thames

The Thames is regulated by locks right up to London.

It’s pondlike for the duration.

These are the major considerations for taking a narrowboat on the Thames.

  1. Mooring: Despite what people tell you or you may have read elsewhere, mooring is going to be your number 1 consideration.
    Your boat’s draft, (the amount of the boat underwater), is going to restrict your access and ability to moor ad-hoc. Most of Thames bankside being private property is also a restricting factor. The lack of free mooring except at selected towns or locks all adds up to the fact that this is something you want to be planning, or if you’re planning on travelling in high season, booking ahead.
    If you don’t, you may find yourself not having a mooring at all, and travelling along the Thames at night is not permitted.
  2. Licence: You are going to need an environment agency licence. These come in 2 day, 7 day and one month chunks.
    You can break it down further, but you’ll pay the same price as one of these chunk increments.
    You can pick up a licence at any manned lock on the Thames.
    You can pick them up sooner, but if you’re not displaying one at a manned lock, of which there are plenty, it’s the lock keepers job to issue you with one.
  3. Additional gear: By definition, you’re obliged to have buoyancy aids and an anchor. This is a requirement for travelling in all river and tidal waters in the UK in a narrowboat.
Map of moorings on the River Thames
Map of moorings on the River Thames

Map of moorings on the Thames

This is a map of moorings you’re going to find along the length of the Thames.

Most of the major towns have public moorings, which are free for the first night, then incur an expense for each additional night. Usually £5.

The website specifically helps you find moorings on the Thames, including free moorings, which are issued on a first come, first serve basis through the website.

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