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Month: November 2023

Cute Baby Hedgehog escapes from hovering Red Kite

Cute Baby Hedgehog escapes from hovering Red Kite

That’s the title I created (without the help of AI).

Due to my continued mooring in Kidlington, I’m hoping to publish a couple of youtube videos, to keep the content rolling.

Here’s one I made the other day.

YouTube player

Baby Hedgehog

As you can see.

I could have waited for the Kite, which would have made a better video, but I was a bit short for time, so I picked the little blighter up.

Tesamol alternative window insulator.

Tesamol alternative window insulator.

Having found that the supply of Tesamol has just about dried up. This year to insulate my single glaze windows, I’m trying out this alternative, Magzo.

It’s an insulation film that’s easy to fit. I’ve made a video about it.

YouTube player

This is just one of my winter jobs to be done.

I’ll add the others to this blog as I go along.