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Day: 7 August 2024

Somerton and 9 hours in Aynho

Somerton and 9 hours in Aynho

My time in Somerton Meadows finished. What a pretty place it is.

Whilst walking back to pick the car up on my first night. I took these photos.

Night moon over Heyford
Harvest moon – Heyford, Oxfordshire

I’ve not seen a glow-worm in the UK for years.

These were just under the railway bridge on the towpath close to Heyford. When you pick them up, they’re about the size of a wasp! They don’t sting like one though, they were fairly docile. I put him back on his leaf after having a quick look at him.

Just goes to show, not all the insects have died out…. Yet.


I stayed in Somerton for the full 2 weeks and left on Sunday.

I don’t think it rained once but the farmer did put the cows back in the field which meant we had the additional obstacle of cow-pats to negotiate. The bull was in there too. I only saw him once: when I was bringing my shopping and laundry back. I didn’t want to walk around the cows, which were all bunched up, so I shooed them out of the way. To my surprise, in the middle of the bunch as the cows moved out of the way, a big bull stood looking back at me!

He’s fairly docile specimen. I think he thought I was going to round him up using his nose ring, but I just continued forging through the cow heard with my heavy shopping bags back to the boat.

Morning view
Morning view

View’s down onto the floodplain.

It’s a nice spot.

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