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Day: 19 May 2023

Daan Sawff – Mooring at Twyford Wharf

Daan Sawff – Mooring at Twyford Wharf

Heading in that direction. Stopped over in Spiceball Park for 1 night.

Noisey Park

One of the silo’s in Fine Lady’s bakery operations has started making a strange whistling noise.

This has had the effect of creating an overpowering and continous noise nuisance.

I noticed this immediately, having staying in the park a number of times and being aware that the factory can be a bit noisey.

Other boaters came and went. I noticed on my nightly walk around the park. Usually they may stick around for a week, or 2 weeks. Now, they don’t stay for 2.

The sound is persistent, high pitched invasive whistling noise. If you lived in a house close near to it, you would complain to the council. Boaters don’t have that option, but it made the park a short but worthy stay over. I visited the pub and took back a pint glass I’d stolen from the Waterside at Christmas and not brought back.

Being on the 24 hour moorings, it wasn’t possible to hang around too long, not that I wanted to. It was nice to be able to walk into town and enjoy a few drinks, then be on my way in the morning.


So here I am in the next viable stop on the way down south. Twyford.

There is a possible stop in between called, Tramway. Lot’s of the ‘true boaters’ like it there. I don’t bother with it due to the overhanging trees and non-existant mobile signal.

This is what some people are after and bully for them.

Tywford has a wide towpath and is a walk from Kings Sutton amongst other