Mooring in Kidlington

Mooring in Kidlington

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It’s been a wee while since I got here to Kidlington and I know those out there of my readership are baying for new information, so here it is.

The bright lights of Kidlington

When I was navigating down to the Thames, I noticed this spot on the Offside bank.

It’s coming through the village. Unlike the mooring on the CRT side, there is somewhere to park my car, which is obviously a key consideration.

The only other place to park in Kidlington has less than 1 bar reception, which rules it out.

On my way back up I decided to give it a go. I’m not going to give you the exact location. I don’t think I’d gain anything by publicising it, suffice to say, I’m now moored on Cherwell Council land.

Oorrfff moiy laaaaand!

No crazed employees with pitchforks have approached the boat shouting this yet.

They were out with their strimmers the other day. Said nothin.

I can’t say a boat staying would be of much interest generally. As long as your not putting your gear all over their land, there isn’t really much going on to see.

Here’s a pic.

Bonnie's new home
Bonnie’s new home
Bonnie's new home
Bonnie’s new home


Has 5 pubs. 3 Chinese takeways, a Tesco and a large Sainsburys.

It’s also got a swimming pool and their are buses to Oxford every 20 mins or so. Day and night.

The mobile signal is 4bars 4G, which is on both o2 and three meaning I can take and receive calls and use the internet without any problems at all.

Solar is OK. There’s a lot of tree cover later on in the afternoon, so it’s not magnificent but it’s certainly acceptable. I never have to start my engine.

There’s a Post Office about a 12min walk which has agreed to take my Post Restanté post.

All very cosy.

Not many pictures.

Probably why I’ve not posted so much in the last few weeks.

I’ve been trying to sort my dentistry out. One of the crowns on my molars came out. It’s going to require an implant to fix it properly.

This will cost £2k.

Also, another one to do, that will cost 500. 2.5k in all.

Pretty expensive it seems and another reason to linger here for a while. The dentist is 6 min on the bike!

I’ve been touring the pubs a little at the weekend.

I’m going to see David Mitchell – Unruly at the New Theatre in Oxford on Monday.

It’s David Mitchell take on the royals of the UK. He’s joined by Jeremy Paxman, (no doubt all the ladies will be throwing their knickers at him). You can get add on’s like proseco and a legionnaires seat with strawberries and Ice-cream. I just went for the simple ticket.


Somewhere I cycle through on my bike. Last time I cycled through I stopped at the village hall/shop.

There was this mural on the front.

Islip Oxfordshire - Birthplace of Edward the Confessor
Islip Oxfordshire – Birthplace of Edward the Confessor

There u go.

Learn something new every day!

Until next time…

One thought on “Mooring in Kidlington

  1. Ohhhhh sounds pretty wonderful especially if you can stay awhile. David Mitchell is one of my very favourite people….enjoy the show

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