List of Demonetized YouTube stars
**Updated: 4th April, 2018
** Updated post here
Google Demonetization
You better watch out….
Google’s latest move is to censor online content moving through it’s various channels; search, video which is ‘controversial’.
You can see it in black and white above.
This site, and other onliners such as WSWS have experienced exclusion from the index, or severe penalties. On the other side of the fence, in the world of YouTube, many publishers whose livelihood is based on the forum through and it’s many subscribers, have found content ‘demonetized’.
Even posters whose content has nothing to do with controversy, light entertainment channels may find they’re getting censored if they don’t present their information in the right way.
In many cases Google is simply targetted the individuals. Removing their content wholesale, whether it’s breaching guidelines or not.
Judgement has been cast
Google refused to monetize my YouTube content many years ago. They said I was running a ‘click-scam’, the truth is, Google Adwords only pays publishers for a PERCENTAGE of the click-thru’s they get on their site. Some clicks don’t get registered at all. When you’re making money from BILLIONS of clicks a day, that’s a lot of money.
I know this, having been a publisher since 2003/2004 when Adwords first came out and I started running the program. I ran it for over 7 years…. Anyway, another story…..
List of demonetized YouTube stars
This list is ongoing, so if you want to slip me an email with your story, I can include you.
Ownage Pranks – 4,300,000 subscribers
Prankster who publishes impersonations he does over the phone as random hoaxes. Very funny.
Partial demonetization.